Join Lis Addison and local Nia teachers at Just Move Studio for a Nia Teacher Jam!
Lis Addison is the Composer and Vocalist of the routine, Source, that will be the featured routine. Lis Addison will be singing live as well as a Q&A after dancing.
Nia is a fun, non-impact, high-energy movement form that conditions the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. With moves and music to inspire joy, the choreography draws from a blend of dance arts, martial arts, and healing arts. Our instructors bring their whole heart and playful spirits to each Nia class. Nia will make you sweat, make you laugh, and make you feel something. Students leave feelings connected and empowered with a greater sense of mind, body, and spirit.
A Nia Community Mingle will be held at Hilltop Bar & Grill after the Jam.